Roof Repair Singapore

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Here for all your roofing needs!

We’ve Got You Covered

Perfect Roofs

Your roof is your house’s primary protection against the elements. Let us walk you through the most suitable options to meet your needs, and once you feel satisfied with your choice, we’ll manage the complete installation.

Reliable Upgrades

If you are planning to renew or upgrade your roofing and gutters, we have got you covered. Book a free consultation to address our six different types of roofing coverings and environmentally friendly choices!

Upkeep & Repair

Age and environmental factors can wreak ruin on your roof. Neglecting problems for too long can cause problems down the road. Start with a free inspection today! 

Homeowners only actually bother themselves with their roof when things begin to go wrong, such as damaged tiles or leaking lofts, but by this time the loss has already been made. If only they had paid more consideration before, chances are they would not be faced with expensive roof repairs.

No matter what sort of roof, it pays to have it examined frequently in order to increase its life and avoid early repair costs. As many homeowners are not ready to carry this out – most don’t even have a ladder – it gives you with the ideal possibility to start a roofing maintenance and replacement service. 

  1.    Inspection: 

    Following wet season, mosses and other debris on the roof and in the gutters and be assured to inspect for any damage. Inspect for pieces of broken tiles – they are a sure-fire way for water damage to happen.

  2.    Gutter cleaning:

    Clean the gutters and downspouts wet season. Check for cracks or holes in the joints and make sure that the brackets holding the gutters upon the house are securely connected.

  3.    Mind the trees:

    Leaning branches can damage and extort roofing materials when blown by the wind; dropping parts from hanging trees can break tiles and falling leaves can clog gutter systems. If trees are growing near the home, advise the homeowner to get immediate steps to trim these back from the roof.

  4.    Fix flashing and sealants:

    Wind and weather can get below the flashing and rip it lose, causing water damage and mould. Make sure that the sealant is not wiped out or loose.

  5.    Loft inspection:

    The loft is where leaks are most likely to happen, so this needs checking out. If leaks continue untreated, the structure of the home can be damaged too. They can even create mould or algae.

Offering this type of assistance is a reliable method to prevent significant roofing issues from happening or growing worse. For an even better results on your service plan, why not use it into an annual event and pack yourself repeat business the following year? If you want further help and guidance on roofing maintenance, call +65 8725 3010  we’d be happy to discuss this with you. 

We give a responsive service, where all work is accomplished promptly with the minimum of fuss and disruption to the premises. We regularly provide a written quote before any roofing work is undertaken, getting the majority of our business through word-of-mouth referrals.

Our extensive roofing services include the following:

  • Roof maintenance and servicing
  • Roof repairs
  • Roof inspections
  • Debris removal and gutter cleaning
  • Roof refurbishment
  • Roof replacements

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