Solar Air Conditioner Singapore

Solar Air Conditioner Singapore

Here at Design Cliniq, we believe in providing eco-friendly, sustainable solutions. Looking for ways to provide solutions in home renovation and design, we looked into electricity reduction, reduced costs, as well as reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. With this, we have collaborated with Enovatek Energy in order to bring you solar air conditioners. The solar air conditioners can be purchased here at Design Cliniq together with roofing and complete installation of the aircon and solar panels.


The Advantages of Enovatek Solar Air Conditioners 

Reduction of Electricity Bills 

According to a recent National Environment Agency of Singapore research, air cooling accounts for up to 40% of an average household’s power expenditure. That’s quite a lot. Consider how much money you’ll save if you can reduce that amount. That is achievable with solar power air conditioners. Don’t be concerned about the expensive installation charges. Consider them a useful long-term investment because they operate on solar energy, which reduces your reliance on power and helps you save money on monthly electricity bills. 

Solar Air Conditioner Singapore

Decrease in Greenhouse Gas Emissions 

Another significant advantage is the low environmental effect of these air conditioners. It is common knowledge that solar energy is the purest kind of energy, meaning it is completely free of carbon dioxide and other damaging greenhouse gases. As a result, installing this system significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions, minimizes carbon footprint, and aids in environmental protection. Aside from that, solar air conditioners are classified as environmentally friendly technology since they do not require a large amount of raw material to work. All they need to generate electricity are solar panels, which are environmentally benign and plentiful. 

Solar Air Conditioner Singapore

Simple to Maintain 

While it is best to use professionals to build the solar air conditioning system, the good news is that they are extremely simple to maintain once done. Just be sure to clean the AC unit and solar panels on a regular basis and maintain them dust-free. They don’t require extensive cleaning, but it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on them and make sure they’re in excellent operating order. 

Self-Contained Systems 

Solar air conditioners are completely self-contained, which means they do not require power from a utility provider. When you use a solar-powered air conditioner, any exterior disagreement or blackout will not influence the cooling in the building, regardless of the area, location, or external circumstances of the structure. 

Read More: A Guide To House Renovation In Singapore!

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